A Shout out to my Peeps

By Shamus Posted Tuesday Apr 18, 2006

Filed under: Pictures 3 comments

My Peeps

I got nothin’ today. So you get a picture of a peep.

Mmmmm…. peeps.


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3 thoughts on “A Shout out to my Peeps

  1. Dan says:

    One time I ate so many peeps that I made myself sick and puked all over the place.
    So I am truley sorry that I cannot support the thought of “Mmmmm… peeps”
    and can only conjure the image of a white and pink stained floor.
    ewwwwwwww… peeps

  2. Mark says:

    Peeps rock! Especially on camping trips shortly after Easter when you’ve run out of marshmallows to roast but still have plenty of campfire left.

    Toasted Peeps – Mmmmmmmm! I love the smell of burning sugar chickens in the morning.

  3. FlameKiller says:

    this might be mutiny but…

    peeps…. as in Gwiffens from Erfworld?

    yes i look at Giantitp.com
    but from all the talk of OotS who can blame me for googling it.

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